Keeping the kids’ toys, clothes and books under control can be a real challenge. As soon as you put them up, they pull them out again. But these kids room organization ideas are not only clever and easy to implement, they’re budget-friendly, too. Who says you have to spend a lot to get organized once and for all?
Kids Room Organization Ideas
1. Hanging Budget Baskets is an Ideal Kids Room Organization Hack
Hang Dollar Store baskets to organize toys and small stuffed animals out of the way. This frees up valuable floor and toy chest space for older kids who want to hang on to some of their favorite toys that they don’t play with anymore.
These baskets connected together with a small peg and hole and a snap on the sides. Just drill a hole in the
bottom of each crate and use a screw to attach to the wall. I would also recommend using a large flat metal washer behind the screw, since the plastic can crack, it will also add stability.
2. Storage Baskets in the Closet is a Simple Solution
Plastic inexpensive baskets perfect for the closet, too! You can hang them on the wall above the shelf. (See above) Use them for socks, swimwear and other seasonal items or accessories that you don’t need to access that often. It’s so helpful for your kids to know where things go when they’re tidying up their rooms. You’ve heard it said,
A place for everything and everything in its place.
3. Under Bed Storage Bins Is Ideal Organization Solution
Get a flat plastic storage bin to slide under the bed to keep infrequently played with toys out of the main play area or off season clothing out of the closet. You’ve just added a whole extra storage area to your kids room. And, if you can find bins with rollers, that’s a bonus!

4. Hair Accessory Hanger is a Perfect Solution
Won’t your little girl love this hair bow and headband organizer? It’s so easy to make with an old frame, some spray paint, and a few pieces of ribbon. Not only does it look so sweet, it is so great to have all the hair accessories in one place. The only problem left is…which hair bow to choose for the day!

5. Painted Coffee Cans are Perfect for Kids Room Organization
Paint some old coffee cans and use them to store small toys like bean bags, balls, puzzle pieces, and small figurines. Labelling the cans helps to keep the right item in the right can and adds to the organization plan and help the little ones to participate easily in the clean up.

6. Wooden Wall Easel Adds Fun to any Kids Room
A wall easel will keep your little one’s artwork in a confined space without getting scattered all over the room. This one cost less than $10 to make. Attach a basket to the wall for pencils or markers, and you’re all set.
7. Pegboard Storage for Nerf Gun Obsession
For the Nerf gun obsessed kids, this pegboard storage idea is so clever. If your kid is like mine, these nerf guns seem to be left in every room of the house. Here’s the solution!
- Buy two 2′ x 4′ peg boards and several packages of different style peg hooks.
- Install the pegboard to the wall, adding a few wood blocks behind it so that the pegs have some space to be attached.
- Add some color by painting the edge.
- Keep a basket of darts nearby for easy access.
I’m thinking you’ll be attracting the neighborhood kids to your home with this display!
{Get more pegboard organization ideas.
8. An Organized Barbie Collection is a Girl’s Dream
This DIY Barbie organizer is genius! But if you don’t have the DIY gene (I can’t sew to save my life), a shoe organizer will work just fine, too.
Here’s the directions for the sewing gene:
- One yard of fabric, cut up the long way..so you have two 44 in pieces, then sewn together.
- Add a layer of felt on the back to give more stability
- One yard of medium thick plastic, cut into strips of 9 inches.
- Attach binding to top of each plastic piece.
- Pinch making loops to fit around the barbie.
- Sew horizontal along the bottom of the plastic and up and down the strips.
- Add a binding around the edge and make a loop on the top to add a dowel
- Add some ties to tie onto the hooks
- optional: add some bigger pockets on the bottom for the barbie accessories
Use these Budget Book Racks for Kids Room Organization Ideas
If you’re like me, you will agree that books are essential in kids rooms. And having them easily accessible and visible will help young readers increase their love for books. What young child doesn’t wan’t to read Dr. Seuss or Eric Carl one more time?!
9. Wire Book Baskets Sort Books Perfectly
Wire baskets are another great way to organize those books and small toys. I’ve found these at both Dollar Stores and Walmart for just a few bucks a piece, and we use them in several rooms. Not only that…having books face forward allows the kiddos to find their favorite book so easily.
10. Spice Rack Make Ideal Book Shelves
Spice racks make wonderful bookshelves, too! Repurpose some old ones you have lying around if you have them. These are from IKEA and only cost about $4 each.
You could arrange them in a row on top of each other as shown in this photo below or in a row horizontally nearer to the floor so the kids can easily see all the reading choices.
11. Crates Work Great for Book Shelves
Cut crates into to create crate wall storage for books and toys. Paint them to compliment your room decor and hang them near the floor so the littles can reach them easily. The bonus of these shelves is that it’s also so easy for kids to put their books away – no finicky shelves to with falling books to deal with!
Note: You will want to screw the crates and shelves into studs for safety.
12. Rain Gutter Bookshelves
For an even cheaper solution for book storage, make yourself some rain gutter bookshelves. For only a few bucks total, you really can’t beat this idea! This is such a great idea to help our kiddos to easily find the exact book they’re looking for.
Purchase some cheap, lightweight vinyl gutters and some end caps. I love the layered look. Plus, you can cut the vinyl gutters to the length you want for your space. Easy Peasy!
Just screw the gutters directly into the wall. Don’t forget to use a stud finder so the gutters will actually stay on the wall when your child reaches in to find their favorite book!
13. Magnetic Wall Board Invites Fun in any Kids Room
Do your kids lose their magnetic toys all the time? Or do they cover your fridge? Here’s an easy way to keep them organized: a DIY magnetic board in their bedroom. This DIY one is made from an oil pan purchased from Walmart, then spray painted off-white to match the room. Make sure the height is perfect for your child, Add a storage bucket nearby for all the extra pieces and your child will have access to hours of learning fun!
14. Above Curtain Shelf for Kids Room Organization
An easy curtain shelf is affordable and a great way to store purses, bags or old toys that aren’t played with often. Don’t our kids always have a collection of items that are their ‘favorite’ and need s display place? Build this shelf and add a dowel curtain rod to the bracket. I love this all in one piece!
15. Toy Hotel for Beanie Baby Organization
PVC pipe and a crate can be used to make a toy hotel for your child’s favorite playthings. You’re kids are going to love this! Image the hours of play as they take their stuffies out of the hotel and then place them back beside their ‘friends’. What child wouldn’t be thrilled to have their little pairs of animal eyes calling them to play?
16. Pail and Bucket for Kids Room Organization Ideas
Don’t overlook good old-fashioned pails and buckets. These are lovely, but you don’t need to buy new ones. Recycle your kids’ sand pails, old baskets, etc. with a coat or two of spray paint to create a cohesive look for the buckets you already have in your home.
Don’t forget to add some labels (pictures or words), so that your child can do the tidying!
Organizing kids’ rooms may feel like a never-ending chore, but adding some simple, yet budget-friendly solutions will help keep your sanity and help your child succeed when you say, “It’s time to clean your room.”
Who wouldn’t want that kind of win in their home?
If you liked these kids room organization ideas, you’ll also want to read:
- Toy Organization and Storage Ideas
- Backyard Toy Storage Ideas
- 23 Fun and Clever Ways to Organize Toys
The post 16 Tricks to Organize Kid Rooms on a Budget appeared first on DIY House Hacks - One Crazy House.