Shine Your Shoes
Spend some quality time in your closet and sort your shoes into categories. Put your boots in a specific place, group your heels together, lace-up, tie up, etc. Then take a hard look at the condition of your shoes and decide if they need immediate attention. A professional shine, resold or re-heel may be in order and your shoes will look like new.
Find Your People
It’s a new year—make an effort to learn the names of people you see on a regular basis. Every time you walk in say hello, call them by name and ask how they are doing. Take the time to listen to their answers. You will be surprised at how building personal relationships with your dry cleaner, barista, shoe repair person, baker, pharmacist and vet tech will make such a difference.
Cancel Miscellaneous Subscriptions
If you find yourself tossing monthly magazines, not wearing and using products from your monthly gift box, regifting your wine of the month and avoiding your weight loss apps, now is the time to let them go. Head into the new year with more money in your pocket and fewer distractions to deal with every month.
Unsubscribe from Email Junk Mail
One of my biggest pet peeves is marketing material which inundates my inbox. Advertisements you are not interested in, retailers who spam you with their products and all kinds of ads you have no intention of ever reading. It may take several tries to unsubscribe from their list but don’t give up. Persevere by contacting their customer support line or emailing them directly. Don’t give up until you are off their list!
Clean Out Your Spice Rack
Make a checklist of what you have a need for and what you need to toss. Replenish almost empty boxes and jars and count the multiple boxes of cinnamon you have in your pantry. Yes, I’m guilty! This will give you an idea of what you should and should not buy when you go to the grocery store.
Update Your Social Media Photo
If you haven’t updated your profile picture since 1998, it’s probably time for a new one. If you update your profile picture every time you blink your eyes, give everyone a break. Too much of a good thing (you!) gets boring and feels a bit narcissistic. While you are refreshing your social media pages, purge any toxins from your contact list. This will ensure a fresh start to your new year with an upbeat, positive set of friends.
Update Your Resume
You never know when that headhunter will find you and offer you a job you can’t refuse…except you don’t have anything in writing and can’t remember important details. Spend some time refreshing your resume, even if you aren’t currently looking for a job.
Make Annual Medical Appointments
The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to schedule your mammogram, dental cleaning and your pet’s vet visits. Update everyone’s shot records, your pet’s flea meds and heartworm pills.
Create a Family Wish List of Adventures and Experiences
You may not be able to travel freely as of now, but the time is coming and it’s fun to dream of a family vacation. Closer to home, learn a new language together or share some exciting adventures. Learn how to play Pickle Ball or ice skate. Whatever it is that makes your family laugh and come together. Do it!
You may also like Create Your New Year’s Goals in Color. For more of Diane’s etiquette tips read her posts on Inc., subscribe to her articles on The Huffington Post, “like” The Protocol School of Texas on Facebook, and follow her on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.
The post Starting the New Year Off on the Right Foot appeared first on Diane Gottsman | Leading Etiquette Expert | Modern Manners Authority.
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