
Latest Provider Ranking of Personal Finance Apps Clears up a Few Things


We don’t like to get too personal. You know — boundaries and whatnot.

Still, this is PYMNTS' Provider Ranking of Personal Finance Apps, so it is by nature personal.

We’re not going to ask for your PIN code or to read your diary. But we are going to take a peek at the apps people favor for saving and investing. You can learn a lot from such information.

But enough of this merry banter. Let’s rack ‘em and rank ‘em.

The Top Five

Not to be dislodged from No. 1, we’ve still got Chime Mobile Banking topping this ranking.

Then the changes begin, and there are quite a few.

Moving up two chart positions to No. 2 this cycle, it’s the Current app, which doesn’t quit.

Down a spot, it’s Robinhood at No. 3, having a rollercoaster of a year.

There’s a tie at No. 4, and an interesting one at that. Albert Save And Spend Smarter entered the top five last cycle at No. 5, and now it’s tied at No. 4 with the Stash app already there.

Rising one chart position to enter the top five at No. 5, it’s the Acorns Invest Spare Change app.

Welcome to the big leagues. May we offer you a canapé?

The Top 10

More surprises as the SoFi app reenters this ranking at no less than No. 6 after an absence.

The myWisely Financial Wellness app is up a spot to No. 7. Wisely undertaken, we must say.

Ever-faithful Fidelity Investments also rises one chart position to No. 8 amid a gaggle of gainers.

No sooner do we write something like “amid a gaggle of gainers” than we have a falling rank to report, that being the Emma Budget Manager app, tumbling two spots to No. 9 this month.

It is by no means the end of the world. As we often say, staying in the top 10 is a win. Period.

Not everyone manages to stay in the top 10 every month. One app that is hanging in there is Mint Personal Finance & Money, dropping a spot to No. 10.

Remember what we said. Top 10. “A win is a win.” Keep smiling, you app providers.

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