A common issue faced by most stylish guys is how to look rich how to be stylish when you don't have a million bucks to dish out. It's an excuse I've heard time and again from men who are hesitant to take their game to the next level. Gentlemen, it's time to break those habits.
I'm here to show you 11 quick tips that'll make you look and feel like a million bucks.
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The way it works is simple. Just browse all your favorite online stores and save products to your Shoptagr wishlist. You'll get notified whenever they go on sale, are about to sell out, or come back in stock. Save on items from 5000+ stores! They've released a brand-new update to make things even easier. Click here to download Shoptagr free.
Click Here To Watch The Video Look Like A Million Bucks On $100 Budget (11 Specific Style Tips)
1. Flirt With Sales Associates
I'm just kidding! Don't actually go and ask for any numbers, it might get you in trouble. There is still a grain of truth in this, however. It's about charisma and good manners. Don't be afraid to go up and chat with an associate at your local menswear store.
If they have a nametag, then use their name. Ask politely about any sales or discounts they have going on. You'd be surprised as to what they'll tell you if you show a bit of care!
2. Make Your White Shirt White Again
We've all dealt with this after a while, your white shirts get a little faded. They start to take on this disgusting off-white color that everyone knows DID NOT come off the rack with it. Gentlemen, this looks terrible. There are ways, however, that you can fix it. Let's pretend as though you'd rather not spend money at the dry-cleaners. Here's my home remedy:

If it's just one or two shirts you need to clean, try a home remedy instead of taking them all the way to the cleaners.
- Bleach or Oxiclean
- 1/2 cup of dishwashing powder
- 1/2 cup of laundry detergent
- 1 cup of vinegar
- 1/2 cup Borax
- 3 gallons of boiling water
Got the ingredients?Good, now let the shirt soak in the mixture for anywhere between 2-8 hours depending on the severity of the discoloration. Take it out, rinse it, and voila! That old dress shirt will look good as new.
3. Known The Ten Main Alterations
Let's face it. You probably won't get something that'll fit you perfectly. You might find something that hits EVERY mark on your wish list except perfect fit, and you'll make the sacrifice to buy it anyway. It happens! However, never forget that fit is king it's the main cornerstone in the Style Pyramid.
Without it, you can forget all about how to look rich. You should always strive to make the necessary alterations to a garment that doesn't look absolutely perfect on you. Here are the main ones to keep in mind:
- Darting your shirt.
- Shortening the sleeves.
- Slimming the sleeves.
- Moving the cuff button.
- Shortening the jacket sleeves.
- Fix any collar bunching.
- Bringing in the jacket, or slimming the waist.
- Hemming your trousers.
- Slimming the legs.
- Bringing In Backside
They're all rather self-explanatory! Make sure to keep in mind what you need to get done, it's about time you get to know your tailor by name.
4. Opt For Simplicity & Elegance
You never want to get the more aggressive pattern and colors if you're on a budget. They're just not versatile. On the other hand, you can't beat a simple charcoal sports jacket or a pair of well-fitted blue jeans. When you don't have a million bucks to spend, every decision you make as far as style goes is critical.
The next opportunity to expand your closet may not come for months, and so you need to prioritize interchangeability. This means navy and charcoal suits, white and light blue dress shirts, and Balmoral Oxfords.
5. Leverage Classic Pieces
There's a lot to choose from that can be dubbed as classic menswear. Yes, you got your sports jackets and your suits, but why not think a little outside the box? Go for a turtleneck-and-jacket combo.
Classic menswear hasn't changed much over the years. Use this to your advantage.
Remember that suits aren't the only classic look either, plain white T-shirts and jeans can work very nicely. Throw in some dress boots for the old-school Marlon Brando look. If it's been used consistently over the last 50+ years, then you can bet it'll count.
6. Wear Suits For Fun
A mistake most men make while wondering how to look rich is misinterpreting the suit. They'll assume that a suit is only good for professional and formal circumstances they never THINK about wearing it in any other situation, that's a mistake. Gentlemen, a suit is a powerful weapon.

A suit isn't the best choice for some situations but you should still wear it out more often!
Why not use it to its full potential? Wear it out for a night in the town, wear it out to a restaurant. Heck, wear it out to a bar that's a little elevated. You won't believe the impressions you'll make by treating your suit as a regular outfit. It'll lead people to wonder just how fancy you must be.
7. Bold Sports Jackets
A sports jacket is defined as a suit jacket designed for informal wear. THIS is your opportunity to shine because sports jackets are a remarkable tool they add a powerful touch of style, and they give you the chance to really show off your personality. Yes, you should always begin with simpler, safer jackets to build your core wardrobe but when it comes time to branch out, BRANCH OUT.
A sports jacket will take your style game to a whole new level.
Experiment with patterns, fabrics and weaves. Windowpane, for instance, is a simple pattern, but one which will have you standing out from the crowd. A Prince of Wales check is about as classic as it gets, but how many men do you see wearing them? My point exactly. Be bold, and people will treat you like a king.
8. Bring In A Pocket Square
If you're wondering how to look rich on a budget, then you need not look further than a simple, square piece of fabric. Gents, I'm talking about the pocket square. This simple accessory adds an astounding level of pizzaz to an outfit.
They come in a myriad of colors and patterns, just make sure they don't match your tie! That makes it seem as though you bought a cheap box set. If silk is too pricey, then there is absolutely no shame in opting for cotton as a more casual, inexpensive, but worthy fabric.
9. Get A Nose Trimmer
Antonio, really? A nose trimmer? Yes, really. Do you have any idea how it must feel for a lady who is shorter than her man to look up, only to be greeted by a forest sprouting from the nostrils? It's pretty jarring. Trimming those hedges will go a long way to forging a clean look for yourself, and cleanliness is often associated with wealth even in subtle instances like this, how to look rich on a budget lies in the details.

There are nose trimmers in every shape and size you can imagine.
10. A Clean Haircut
We're still on the topic of hair, but it shouldn't surprise you how you manage your hair has a huge impact on how others perceive you, after all. We honestly can't do justice to hair in a single section, and I have countless articles as well as videos dedicated to that discussion.
However, what I will say is that you should schedule your haircuts every two weeks. Once you finish with your barber, go ahead and schedule your next appointment right then and there. Looking clean up there is a simple, but proven way to look rich and classy.
11. Never Underestimate Thrift Stores
The power of thrift stores cannotbe underestimated, especially those in higher-end neighborhoods. Yes, they may be slightly pricier depending on the area you shop for, but they are gold mines.
Have patience when shopping at thrift stores. Something great will appear.
After a trip or two, you may very well find some brand-name garments at astounding prices. You might have to hit up the tailor to get them adjusted slightly, but it's well worth it.
Summary How To Look Rich
- Flirt with sales associates
- Make your white shirt white again
- Know the ten main alterations
- Opt for simplicity
- Leverage classic pieces
- Wear suits for fun
- Bold sports jackets
- Pocket squares
- Use nose trimmers
- Clean haircuts
- Use thrift stores
Gents, it can look daunting at first, but looking like a million bucks is actually a simple matter of deduction make the right choices at the right stores with the right deals. Trust me, you'll look like a badass in no time.
This article is brought to you by Shoptagr the smart shopping app thatalwaysfinds you thebest deals online. It's free and easy to install on your computer and your phone. Get emails and push notifications when items are back in stock, low on stock, in your size, or go on sale. Shoptagr automatically syncs across your devices!
The way it works is simple. Just browse all your favorite online stores and save products to your Shoptagr wishlist. You'll get notified whenever they go on sale, are about to sell out, or come back in stock. Save on items from 5000+ stores! They've released a brand-new update to make things even easier. Click here to download Shoptagr free.
The post Look Like A Million Dollars On $100 Budget 11 Tips On How To Look Rich appeared first on Real Men Real Style.