Batik always a good project. It is an easy project. Kids really enjoy coloring. They do. Sometimes you just need to take a break from everything and just color.
The kids colored with oil pastels. Several kids were not coloring hard enough, so I had to encourage them to press down and color hard. I told them that the darker, the better. The kids crumbled up their paper. The kids used shoe polish and swiped their project. The kids carefully washed off the shoe polish in the sink. We placed on a sheet of paper to keep the art sturdy and stable on the drying rack.
Wa-laa! Have a L👀K!
Tie Dye always makes me think The Grateful Dead. My daughter is totally obsessed with The Grateful Dead. I like them, too. ❤. The Grateful Dead keeps you chill. We all need chill.
1965 #OilPastels #5thGrade #Coloring #ArtEducationBlog #ArtEducation