One thing most productivity and organizing experts excel at is list making! My readers are pros when it comes to creating lists for everything from daily tasks to planning a major project, so I asked them to share their blog posts on list making for this month’s Professional Organizers Blog Carnival.
Our sponsor for this edition is Paula Rizzo, the founder of and author of Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You and Listful Living: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed.
Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You, released September 15, 2019
Paula is also the co-creator of Lights Camera Expert, an online course geared towards helping entrepreneurs, authors, and experts get media attention. Earlier this year, Paula shared her media tips for professional organizers here on Your Organizing Business, and I’m pleased to welcome her back today as a sponsor.
The original lists were probably carved in stone and represented longer periods of time. They contained things like 'Get More Clay. Make Better Oven.' ~ David ViscottClick To Tweet
Check out all the great submissions, and be sure to show the bloggers your appreciation by leaving comments and sharing their blog posts (or this one) with your network, using the hashtag #POBC in your social media posts.
Nancy Haworth Creating a Punchlist to Prepare Your Home for Sale Hilda Rodgers Printable Packing List - You Won't Forget Anything! Seana Turner I Hate Packing Sabrina Quairoli 13 Checklists to Reduce Stress In Your Life Hazel Thornton Why you need a Project Box & a Master To-Do List Debbie Rosemont Supercharge Your Task List to Get More Done Julie Bestry Paper Doll’s 5 Essential Lists For Planning an International Vacation Veronica Bishop How a Task List Saved Me Linda Samuels How to Be a Better Time Manager With Your "To-Don't" List Janet Schiesl My Thoughts on List Making Geralin Thomas Packing for Business and Vacation Travel: Checklist Anne Blumer Get Organized Before Your Trip Checklist Rashelle Isip How to Make Your To-Do Lists More Effective Sarah Soboleski How To Make A Not-To-Do List Neena Nandagopal How to Use Lists to Become Successful, Productive, and Less Stressed Margarita Ibbott Packing List for a week of Skiing in the Green Mountain State Janet Barclay The Absolute Best To-Do List Software for Windows Maria Macaraig Selling Your Business Checklist – A Must-Know! Paula Rizzo Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this Blog Carnival, especially our wonderful sponsor.
Next month’s Blog Carnival is all about Organizing Health Information, and you may make your submission any time from now until Tuesday, October 15 at 7:00 PM EDT.