BSA has created updated versions of the Troop Program features for Scouts BSA. The Pioneering program feature is available in digital format on the BSA website or can be purchased as a publication from you local Scout Shop.
The Pioneering feature teaches Scouts how to build structures and gadgets using rope, spars, creativity, and knot skills. The program feature includes some general information and some more specific ideas for meetings:
- Learn knots and lashings
- Understand how to care for ropes and spars
- Learn the rules of pioneering safety
Suggested troop meeting ideas are grouped by essential, challenging, or advanced. Here are a few you can see in the guide.
- Learn half hitches and round lashings (essential / challenging)
- Build a flag pole (advanced)
- Practice square lashings (essential / challenging)
- Practice maintaining maximum strain (advanced)
- Make a tripod (essential)
- Make a double tripod (challenging)
- Make a hand washing station (advanced)
- Learn how to tie a butterfly knot and make a rope tackle (essential)
- Learn how to build a 1-1 anchor (challenging)
- Learn how to build a 1-2-3 anchor (advanced)
- Learn how to tie a floor lashing (essential)
- Lash staves with floor lashings (challenging)
- Make a simple camp table (advanced)
There are also several games suggested to keep things interesting at your troop meetings
- A-Frame Chariot Race
- Catch the Snapper
- Crossing the Alligator Pit
- Everyone on the Tripod
- Flagpole Race
- Ladder Building
- Lift Seat Procession
- Reactor Transporter
- Roman Chariot Race
- Scout Stave Launcher
- Self-Standing Flagpole Challenge
- Snake Race
The plan even provides Scoutmaster’s minutes and ceremonies for meetings.
Then there is the “Main Event”. Once again, there are suggestions for essential, challenging, or advanced. Details and planning aids can be found in the online guide.
- Build a camp kitchen (essential)
- Build a Chippewa Kitchen and cook at a public gathering (challenging)
- Hold a Scout Engineering weekend and construct multiple gadgets (advanced)
Find some related helps and achievements for the Pioneering Troop Program Feature below.