Today I thought I'd share a few fun pics from previous Valentine posts. This first one is from last year on the Cookbook Nook with some vintage Valentine cottage elements.
This is a great spot to share some seasonal display.
This little red Tudor cottage is very old and I'm not sure of it's context, but it's out every Christmas and Valentine's Day. It's the perfect fit for the old kitchen scales. I made the Bingo Valentine's Day card years ago using vintage cards and Bingo cards. Only RED Bingo cards made the cut.
Cordon Bleu iconic cow creamers are fun to collect, because from year to year they have small detail changes. Tie a Valentine's ribbon for an accent, and it's a fun gift.
I think this red rose wreath came from Michaels years ago, but I added the Valentine script ribbon. I love how it pops on the black chalk board.
In this post, I put together an easy quick cloche display for the entry console.
A Vintage Romance

Vintage Teapots
Creamers with mini Rosebuds
Silverware, especially "orphan" spoons, ladles,

Valentine's Day is the perfect "holiday" to create cloche displays. All it takes are a few small items in florals or pastels that draw attention to a specific spot. Here a tiny antique floral china creamer, some millinery roses and an adorable miss, work together.
The fabric rose heart-shaped wreath was usually on the Entry way mirror at our previous home.
My antique cupid tray and Lefton Cupid candy dish are Valentine "regulars" on the entry console.
My favorite way to decorate for any holiday is to incorporate vintage pieces to the mix. I do have a few vintage and antique Valentines and some candy boxes, but I like to use some of my collections, especially anything with pink or red and floral. Here I have a pitcher probably from the 40's or 50's with a pastel rose motif, filled with a small bouquet of faux flowers.
The Baker's Rack in the Kitchen Sitting Area at our previous house
was a fun place to decorate for holidays.
A small red Toile coverlet always seems to make it into the Valentine decor.
My Moss Covered Heart that I made several years ago,
has a Valentine satin ribbon anchoring it to my vintage mirror.
Vintage and new tea towels mingle on the sitting area bench.
One of my favorite pillows is this large vintage embroidered rose motif from the early 1900's. A smaller quilted red quilted heart pillow is perfect for the holiday.
Do you need a little last-minute gift for a friend? Other vintage pieces that have a romantic vibe can be made a little more "Holiday" by adding a specialty ribbon.

Romantic vintage prints and jewelry boxes.
Make a Red Transferware cup and saucer that special little gift.
A stack of books looks more romantic with a lush satin ribbon.
Frame a vintage postcard...
Beribboned Cordon Bleu cow creamers that I gave my daughters for Valentine's Day one year.
Vintage Bingo cards become a Valentine greeting.
Vintage Teapots
Creamers with mini Rosebuds
cake and pie servers tied up with a ribbon are another fun gift.
Silver candy dishes are inexpensive and of course can be practical too!
These are pics from 2 houses ago with some of my favorite vintage floral teapots.
Sideboard in the Hall at that previous house.

Ahhh, my favorite...
Heart shaped Kitties

You can find more romantic ideas on my Pinterest page,
Be sure and come back by this evening at 6 pm for the All About Home Party!
joining in here:
The House on Silverado, Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda,
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life Home Imagined at the Antique Journey
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode, Wednesday Link Party at Our Tiny Nest
Whimsy Home at Fifth Sparrow No More
Wonderful Wednesday at Eclectic Red Barn
Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage
Share Your Style at French Ethereal, Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,
Home Matters at Southern Sunflowers, Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at County Road 407 Fabulous Friday at WM Design House