Howdy! And Happy Saturday. Another week has come and gone, and I can’t say there’s much to report. Nevertheless, I have a few fun things to share.
Ready or not, let’s get this par-tay started! Cue the dance music…
Psst! Let’s keep in touch! Yes, YOU! Sign up for e-mail updates by clicking on that SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right-hand corner or using the subscription box in the sidebar. As a result, I’ll send some happy mail your way.

1. Let’s start with the meh news. I gained weight this week (womp womp womp). Yeah, that kinda sucked. I keep telling myself, “this isn’t a race… slow and steady, Kelly.”
I’ll tell you what, it’s hard.
I wish I could twitch my nose or blink my eyes and lose 10 pounds — but we all know that isn’t going to happen. Haha.
I can do hard things and keep pressing on. I’m determined to lose another 40-50 pounds. However, I’m hoping this journey will create life changes too.
The hard part? I love food. Sigh.
2. Hair Appointment. Ya know what? I love my hairstylist. Would you believe I’m on my third one in four years. Yeah. Being a blonde can be tricky if you don’t have a good hairstylist.
Anywho, I often feel like I’m catching up with an old friend. This week we talked about life, Pam Hupp, the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard trial, family, etc. It’s always an easy conversation with Kim, and I appreciate that.
I usually take a book to read while my hair processes. Hair appointments are a form of pampering for me. How about you? Do you love your stylist?
3. Pimple Patches. Ummmm, did you know they exist? My sister told me that she saw a gal at the dog park wearing one and a girl wearing one this past week. I get pimples, but I felt out of the loop when hearing and reading about these — and for the most part, they seem to be pretty miraculous.
I’m always a bit of a skeptic. Have you ever tried them?
4. Driving home yesterday, I was in a construction zone — and the lanes were tight, so I usually focus 100% on the road ahead of me and grip the wheel with my life.
The car to my right passed me, and I noticed a vinyl decal message on their back window:
I hope something
good happens
to you today.
Gosh, that made me smile. A reminder that there are still kind people in the world — sending out good vibes!
So, thank you to the driver heading East on Hwy 60 between Springfield and Rogersville around 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 29th.
p.s. I added the vinyl decal to my cart. I want to have this same impact on other drivers.
5. I bought these striped linen pants and this black button-down v-neck to wear together this summer. The shirt was long enough (on me) to tie it in the front. ADORABLE! When paired with a black sandal or flip flop, I’ll be ready to go!
The older I’ve gotten, the more of a shoe snob I’ve become… only because my feet throw temper tantrums. Hee-hee.
Anywho, I bought these faux-suede sneakers in the neutral brown too. Oh my goodness, they’re the cutest. I’ve been to Old Navy a few times over the past few weeks, and these kept catching my eye.
So, today I caved and bought them. Between the sale and Super Cash, I got them for $13.50. Score!
6. I’m thinking of starting a sticker journal. Stickers are everywhere again — even at local coffee shops. I figure the stickers can tell their own story, and I could add some notes, quotes, etc.
And speaking of stickers, I stumbled across this one of Iris Apfel on Etsy this past week. I love it! And it reminds me that I can be uniquely me. I don’t need to dress or think like everyone else.
You’re one of a kind, friend. I choose to be me — like Iris. Maybe that will inspire you too!
“When You Don’t Dress Like Everybody Else,
You Don’t Have To Think Like Everybody Else.”
(Iris Apfel)
7. Miscellany was a category on Jeopardy this week… I know that’s random, but it made me smile and think of all of you and the Weekender.
8. I’m a pretty big fan of Jon Crist, and his videos tend to pop up on Facebook just about the time I need a good laugh. He recently took a Driverless Uber in Phoenix, Arizona. I remember thinking, “What in the world?” while I was watching it and kept laughing at how many times he said, “Again, there is no driver….”
My dad is an Uber driver, so I had to share it with him even if his job might be in jeopardy. Bwahaha.
Check it out. Mmmmkay?
9. May is quickly approaching… and I’m doing a happy dance.
I bet you’re wondering why right?
Well, friend, it’s my birthday month! Woo-hoo!! Steve and I even have a vacation planned. We’ll be spending a week in Gulf Shores soon. Yay for the beach, baby!!
Around the Web:
This Sheet Pan Recipe for Mini Meatloaves.
This Strawberry Lemonade Poke Cake.
These Lemon Sugar Cookies.
This Dole Whip Recipe (get in my belly).
How to Host a Virtual Tea Party.
How to Make Personalized Photo Candles.
This DIY Shoe Rack.
These Painted Rocks.
Simple Patriotic Table Decor (for Memorial Day).
This Seed Packet Printable for May Day.

The post the Weekender appeared first on Live Laugh Rowe.