In addition to pumpkins wearing a mask your children can too. What fun it will be to decorate a mask and then use it to decorate.
Pumpkin Decorating Ideas – Masks
Ways to Attach a Mask
You will need to select one of the masks below and then attach it to your pumpkin. We mostly attached ribbons the masks. Additionally the following items could be used to attach your mask or masks.
Pipe Cleaners
Rick Rack
We used tape to attach the mask to the items above. Your could punch holes in the right and left side of the mask and tie ribbon or another item to it.
Mask Template
Each of these pumpkin decorating ideas is a PDF template. You will need to have a PDF reader to open them.
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Jaguar Mask Template
I created a rain forest summer series of activities. This mask was created to go along with that series.
Bear Mask Template
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? first inspired this mask. We love lots of bear books. You will find a list of them on the post with the template.
Mouse Mask Template
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie was the book the orginally inspired this mouse mask.
There was an Old Lady Mask Template
There Was An Old Lady series of books inspired this mask. We just loved reading them at my house.
Cute Shark Mask
There are several books that this mask could present. We love the book Shark vs. Train.
Cow Mask Template
Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type was the book that inspired this mask. I read it every year to my students.
Cat Mask Template
This mask was created to go along with the Pete the Cat series of books. Pete books are so much fun to read out loud.
Raccoon Mask Template
This mask was created to go along with the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. This is a great book to the start the school year with.
Pumpkin Decoratin Ideas -Other Supplies
You can decorate the masks using any craft supplies you have on hand. The following supplies were used on our masks:
Magic Markers
Paint Fork Painted onto a Mask
Water Colors
Construction Paper
You will need to gather all the supplies you want your children to use, after that they decorate them any way they like for their pumpkin. If it is important to you that the mask matched the book character however, you may want to have picture for them to refer to.
More Children’s Book Related Activities
In addition to the masks, you will find these children’s books available on my blog.
First, your children will enjoy this One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Algorithm Activity .
Second, this STEM Challenge that inspired by Peter Rabbit allow your children build a trampoline.
Third, your children can draw and learn about coding while exploring this set of turkey coloring pages.
Finally, this Duck in a Truck activity uses home slime and a plastic truck.
The post Pumpkin Decorating Ideas Based on Children’s Books appeared first on JDaniel4s Mom.
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