
News — GiftsForGuysInSuits

The Dappered Gift Guide for… The Tailored/Suited Guy (2020 edition)

The Dappered Gift Guide for… The Tailored/Suited Guy (2020 edition)

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Also, we take your privacy rights seriously. Head here to learn more. Tis the season. And by now you’ve probably been walloped over the head by 82,000 gift guides. So what’s a few more? Instead of doing a highly generalized, throw-everything-against-the-digital-wall gift guide, we’ll be breaking it up by category. Gifts for the guy who likes watches. Or the rugged type. Or the guy who’s really into shoes. Etc. We’ll cover all those, and hopefully a few more in the coming days.   A (slightly unexpected) Pocket Square...