{Seriously! How nice was that?}
And one of the things in the basket they gave us was a jar of homemade Seville orange marmalade. The marmalade was perfect. 10 out of 10. It was sweet and had just a hint of bitterness to it and it was the real deal let me tell you.
The marmalade was so good in fact, that the HH and I used up the entire jar slathering it on toast, English muffins, biscuits, you name it, in less than 10 days.
To say we were sad to see the bottom of the jar would be an understatement.
Luckily though, citrus season {winter} was just around the corner and so thanks to a tip from a reader {thank you Rachel!} I was able to place an order at the local Co-op grocery store for 7 pounds of Seville oranges {enough to make 2 batches}. The only tricky part was, neither I nor the Co-op knew when {or if} they’d be getting Seville oranges in this year.
Well, as luck would have it they did get the oranges in and now I have 12 delicious jars of Seville jam sitting on my counter thanks to the amazing recipe below.
If you’ve never made marmalade before, it’s a little bit different than making jam as there are a few more steps. But don’t let that deter you! You will be greatly reward for your efforts, trust me. And patience is key. Read all the directions TWICE before making this recipe.
I’ve made marmalade several times over the years, so the process is familiar to me, but in case this is your first time, I took tons of pictures when I made the marmalade so you’d be able to follow along step by step.
Seville orange marmalade. It truly is, the best stuff on earth.
Seville Orange Marmalade
5 from 1 reviews
Author: Mavis Butterfield
3 pounds Seville oranges
1 lemon
6 cups water
5 cups granulated sugar
Set out 3 ceramic or glass bowls {ones that will hold about 4 cups each}.
You will need 1 bowl for the juice, 1 bowl for the seeds and membranes and 1 bowl for the peels.
Start by washing the oranges and lemon well. Slice the oranges and lemon in half.
Using the tip of your knife, scrape out any seeds that you find and set aside in bowl #1.
Juice the oranges and lemon, and place the juice in bowl #2.
Using a spoon, scrape out the membranes of the citrus and place them in bowl #1 along with the seeds.
Cut the ends off of each halved orange and the halved lemon and toss them in the garbage. Then cut the peels into the thinnest slices you can manage. Slice the peels again so they are halved and place them in bowl #3.
Place the seeds and membranes in a muslin jelly bag or several pieces of cheesecloth you can tie up into a bag. Close the top of the muslin bag or cheesecloth tightly so that nothing can escape.
Place all of your orange and lemon peels along with the juice in a large non reactive bowl and cover with 6 cups of water.
Push the muslin/cheesecloth bundle down into the bowl and cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the fridge overnight.
After the peels have marinated overnight, bring a boiling-water canner, 3/4 full with water, to simmer.
Wash jars and screw bands in hot soapy water; rinse with warm water. Pour boiling water over flat lids in saucepan off the heat. Let stand in hot water until ready to use. Drain well before filling.
Remove the muslin/cheesecloth bundle from the mixture and give it a little squeeze to extract the extra pectin into your bowl before tossing the bag into the garbage.
Pour the contents of the bowl into a large non reactive pot.
Add 5 cups of sugar and stir to mix together. Bring the mixture to a simmer and cook until it has reduced by half making sure to stir the mixture often {this typically takes between 30 – 60 minutes for me}.
When the mixture reads 220 degrees on a thermometer, test to see if it has “set” by spooning a bit onto a cold plate. If it has formed a bit of a skin and started to give a bit like goopy Jell-O, you’re good to go, if not, cook for a bit longer.
Ladle immediately into prepared jars, filling to within 1/2 inch of tops. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two-piece lids. Screw bands on.
Place jars on elevated rack in a canner. Lower rack into canner. {Water must cover jars by 1 to 2 inches. Add boiling water, if necessary.}
Cover; bring water to gentle boil. Process for 10 min. Remove jars and place upright on towel to cool completely. After the jars have cooled, check the seals by pressing middles of lids with finger. If lids spring back, lids are not sealed and refrigeration is necessary.
This recipe makes {6} 8 ounce jars.
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Looking for a few more canning recipes? Search my Full List of Canning Recipes
Looking for a good canning book? Here’s a list of my favorites:
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It
Food in Jars
The Amish Canning Cookbook
Not Your Mama’s Canning Book
Also, check out these tutorials if you’ve never used a canner before:
Tutorial: Hot Water Bath Canning
Tutorial: How to Use a Pressure Canner
The post Seville Orange Marmalade Recipe appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month.
This content was original published at One Hundred Dollars a Month and is copyrighted material. If you are reading this on another website it is being published without consent.
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