Everyone loves CHINESE FOOD and for last several decades, Chinese food has been hugely popular in Pakistan. Fried rice, gravies, stir fried, soups and noodle are so easy to make that many of us make in our own kitchen.
Cookpad is carrying almost 9500+ Chinese recipes with different genre; Rice, soup, gravies, poultry, beef, seafood and noodles. We all love autumn and when the season change, majority of the people gets sick. Cookpad have collected few Soup recipes for those who really want to try something different and get inspiration from other cook’s recipes.
Corn Soup
Pakistani Chinese style Corn soup can be made at home in 30 minutes with few ingredients. Serve with chilli sauce, pepper and vinegar chili.
Chicken Vegetable Soup
Full of nutrients healthy style soup. Serve with hot sauce.

A packed full nutrients soup, specially when you or your family member is sick.
Schezwan Soup
The perfect combo of sweet and spicy flavours. Serve with toasted bun or bread would be a great idea of serving.

Schezwan soup 🍲 is a hot and spicy soup that originated from Sichuan province in southwest China. It is from the Sichuan cuisine and has bold flavors, particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of garlic and chili peppers.

Spicy, tangy flavours with a colour of love and happiness.this hot & spicy soup is perfect as an appetiser or main with rice or noodles.

Schezwan sauce is a secret ingredient. Find out in Schezwan’ sauce recipe in Tehmina’s Kitchen
Hot and Sour
Spicy, tangy and hearty, this Chinese hot and sour soup is a bowl of ultimate comfort. All you need sauces, vegetables and chicken!
Tomato Soup
This soups relies on the availability of ripe juicy red tomatoes but whenever you find, make it and give a special treat to your loved ones.

Tip: Gradually whisk in a bit of the tomato mixture, so that no lumps form, then stir in the rest.
Soup is the best dish in winters as well as gives soothing when you have cough and flu. Usually, cooks make Yakhni (Stocks) and store it in freezer and then use when it requires. If Yakhni is ready, you can make any kind of soup anytime.
For more SOUP recipes, please click below button :
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