Tattoos are much more acceptable in modern society than they were 30 years ago, as evidenced by the number of celebrities who love getting inked. One such gentleman who has a variety of tattoos on his body is actor Chris Evans. Captain America might look like a clean-cut individual, but the star of The Gray Man, Snowpiercer, Knives Out, and the Fantastic Four movies is actually a big fan of tatts.
His collection of ink is an assortment of symbols and designs that adorn all parts of his body. It’s not like he has a sleeve tattoo or large parts of his body tattooed. Most of his ink appears randomly splashed across his torso, although we are sure he has got them in places that work for his needs.
Unlike many actors with tattoos, Evans likes to keep his hidden. And it’s not because he is embarrassed by them, but due to the impact they have when filming. “I really like tattoos, but the problem is, when you wear a short-sleeve shirt in a movie, that’s an extra hour in the makeup chair. It’s not worth it,” Evans revealed during a 2014 interview with The Hot Hits. “I’m all for tattoos, but just somewhere they can be hidden.”
Although Evans doesn’t publicly show off his tattoos, there is still lots of photographic evidence of his tattoos. From tributes to his family to the Zodiac sign of the Taurus, Evans has a wide range of interesting ink on his body. So, here’s a look at all of Evans’ ink and the meanings behind his many tattoos.
Chris Evans Tattoos: A Guide to the Actors Ink
1. Taurus Tattoo

@millermobley/Men’s Journal/Instagram
One of Chris Evans’ earliest tattoos is found on his left shoulder. It is a tribal design of the Taurus, the Zodiac sign representing April 20 – May 21. The tattoo is a tribute to Evans’ mother, Lisa Capuano, who was born on May 21.
2. Chinese Symbol

On Chris Evan’s right shoulder is a Chinese symbol that stands for “family.” Or at least that’s what he thought it meant. This tattoo was often visible when Evans was walking the red carpet, but it’s believed he has had it removed in recent years after learning it actually translates to “surname.”
3. Loyalty

During a 2016 advertising campaign for Gucci where he snuggled up with Evan Rachel Wood, Chris Evans showed off another of his tattoos. This one is on his right shoulder and says “loyalty” inked in cursive.
4. Avengers Tattoo

Chris Evans is a major part of the Avengers series of movies and he and the principal cast formed a tight bond during filming. So much so that they all decided to get a tattoo of the Avengers symbol. Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, and Jeremy Renner all got the tattoo, while the sixth member, Mark Ruffalo, bailed at the last minute.
“Five of the original six Avengers got a tattoo… the one who opted out being Mark Ruffalo,” Robert Downey Jr. told Entertainment Weekly. “It was (Scarlett) Johansson’s idea, and she and (Chris) Evans did it in New York. Then, their New York guy, Josh Lord, who is amazing, flew out to LA, he did me, did (Jeremy) Renner, and then we just bullied (Chris) Hemsworth into doing it, and he got it.”
Evans got his tattoo on the right side of his torso, but there have been no photos of it on the internet yet.
5. Dodger

A big dog lover, Chris Evans got a tattoo of his dog Dodger’s name across his chest. The cute Boxer mix is all over Evans’ Instagram, with the Marvel hero certainly in love with his four-legged friend. He named the dog after one of the characters from his favorite childhood movie, Oliver & Company, as he revealed to Jimmy Kimmel. He went on to talk about getting Dodger’s name tattooed on him and the love he has for his furry companion.
“That’s probably one of the purest relationships I have,” he said when talking about his then pup. “It didn’t take much convincing. I’ll never regret that tattoo. I’ve regretted a few in my life, but not that one.”
6. Eckhart Tolle quote

Across the upper part of his right bicep, Chris Evans has a tattoo of an Eckhart Tolle quote. Tolle is a German-born spiritual teacher who rose to fame with his self-help book The Power of Now and A New Earth. Evans is big into spiritualism and a fan of Tolle.
“I really like Eckhart Tolle, he wrote the book The Power of Now,” he explained during a Q&A with Spreecast. “I am a big fan of Buddhism, Eastern Philosophy, the notion of trying to be present in the moment, turning the third eye off and detaching from ego Eckhart has a quote from his book called Stillness Speaks that just really resonated with me, enough to permanently ink my body.”
The quote reads: “When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself, when you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.”
7. Matt Bardsley Tattoo

Millenium Entertainment
The 2022 “Sexiest Man Alive” is a real sentimental kinda guy. As you can see, most of his tattoos have a connection to family or the people he loves. His Matt Bardsley tattoo is the perfect example of this. On his stomach, Chris Evans has a tattoo that reads “In loving memory, Bardsley, with me always.”
As he discussed in a 2004 interview with USA Today, the tattoo is a tribute to his friend Matt Bardsley, who was killed during an off-roading accident in November 2003. The tattoo acts as a tribute to Bardsley and shows how much Evans cherishes his friends and family.
8. SCS

Just above his right ankle Chris Evans has the letters SCS tattooed. They are the initials for his three siblings; younger sisters Carly Evans and Shana Evans and a brother Scott Evans. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of photos of this tattoo due to Evans’ love of wearing pants.
9. Eagle Tattoo

There aren’t any real clear photos of this tattoo either, but various images on Chris Evans’ Instagram and interviews he has done show glimpses of the eagle tattoo. It’s believed the ink was done by the celebrity tattoo artist Josh Lord sometime over the past few years. It seems to take up a fair amount of space on his right bicep but not much else is known about the tattoo or the meaning behind it.
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