News — Motherhood

Mower ~ Trip to the "Big City" ~ Coconut Waffles ~ Baked Walleye

Mower ~ Trip to the "Big City" ~ Coconut Waffles ~ Baked Walleye

The day our mower guy came out to mow, he hit something and bent the mower blade.   New blades were purchased, but half the mowing was done.  It was a battle to repair, but hopefully it'll be completed tonight.  My husband had a heck of a time getting the old blade off. I made it in to the "Big City" for some errands.  I needed more twine to tie up the tomatoes and other items.  I also needed some items to work on the pop-up camper. Daughter K had the day off, and when she is off all day and...

My Breastfeeding Journey


Tags BabyRobertson, Motherhood

My Breastfeeding Journey

The moment I learned that I was pregnant was unforgettable. My mind was immediately filled with so many emotions: excitement, worry, anxiety and an overwhelming amount of hope that this would be a healthy pregnancy. As the pregnancy progressed, I read so many books and blogs about motherhood, sleep schedules, daily routines, and more. Like many new mothers, I was trying to do my best to prepare for raising a child. Even though I was a kinder and first grade school teacher for several years, I really didn’t have much experience with babies. This was ALL new to me, but...