News — Pasta

Homemade tagliatelle served with Sunday gravy and freshly grated pecorino is a traditional dish served in many, many Italian home

Homemade tagliatelle served with Sunday gravy and freshly grated pecorino is a traditional dish served in many, many Italian home

s. And now, Italian or not, you can try your hand at mixing and rolling your own tender noodles. Nonna will be so proud. Adapted from Joey Campanaro | Big Love Cooking | Chronicle Books, 2020 As the youngest kid in my family, I’d often be sent next door to my grandmother Rosie Bova to help her make the homemades (really, she was just babysitting me). “Homemades” is slang for homemade pasta. Specifically, the shape of homemades most closely resembles tagliatelle, from the Italian verb tagliare, “to cut.” My grandmother and I would mix, roll, and cut the homemades on...